I had a sleepless night and al kind of things came into my head.
One of the thinks was this blog, I know I had somewhere a blog and here it is 
In this time a lot of things were happening, and also a lot stays the same.
The big change is that I´m now in Torrevieja, Spain. My partner is retired and her wish was always to go to a warmer climate.
(intermezzo : Ireland has now record high temperatures, There is a ´hose´ ban and Killarney is spilling some water)
I have from my work a sabbatical Year. In this Year we see how it is going on, trying to find some work to help to pay the bills (and get some notes) We shell see what is going happen.
Did say goodbye to my old computer that was working under Windows Vista, have now for the first time a Laptop. (Still trying to get writ of the ´autoclick´)
Result: I´m going from the number 3 from Ireland to Number 15 (493 from Visitors) from Spain
I did manage to score already a hit It was an Irish note, entered in Ireland (Dublin) by an Irishman 
I don´t know when my next post is but Bye Bye for now