I thought Hollyday season is over, but I think there is an EBTer on Holydays in Greece.
As a City Manager from EBT I can see all the new combinations from City names / Postcode entered in EBT.
Yesterday and Today I saw a lot of Greece names (In Greece characters) popping up in EBT. I can’t read or write Greece, but thanks to Google Map I can place and read (translate) the names.
I noticed that non of my fellow City Managers was taking care of Greece, So I diceded to give it a try, although in Euro time I was never in Greece. (I did some Island Hopping when I was Young way before the Euro
The names of the Greece City profiles are in two languages. One in European characters and one in Greece characters. So I had an other problem. How to Translate the european name to the greece name. Luckely I found a greece postal code site with an EN and an EI Button 
So with the help of Google Map, Greece Postal Code Site and Wiki link I try to order the Greece Profiles